Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Three cheers from the The Poughkeepsie Journal

Three cheers | The Poughkeepsie Journal | poughkeepsiejournal.com

To those working to highlight April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Dutchess County officials, members of local police departments and representatives of the Crime Victims Assistance Program and the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse hosted a news conference last week to call attention to the issue. They noted the local services available to victims.  "It shouldn't be just April that we pay special attention to this. It should be all year round," said Dutchess County Sheriff Butch Anderson.

To raise money for victims, the Crime Victims Assistance Program is hosting an April 30 event called "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes." The old saying, "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in her shoes," is the inspiration for this international walk, which asks men to literally walk one mile in women's high-heeled shoes. High heels can be very uncomfortable, and Old Navy is donating dolled-up flip-flops for guys who don't want to feel the pain. For these guys, they might finally get a true understanding of the bumper sticker that says, "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did except backward and in high heels."

The entire community, however, is welcome to participate. To sign up for the event, go to www.familyservicesny.org/WalkAMile2011.php or call call Sharon Doane at the Family Services' Crime Victims Assistance Program, 845-452-1110, Ext. 3127.

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